Board Members

Mike Smith
Mike Smith grew up in a church planting pastor's home and was saved at an early age. He majored in Carpentry and Construction and graduated from Bob Jones University's School of Applied Studies in 1993. I Corinthians 7:7 says, Every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that. And I Timothy 4:14 says, Neglect not the gift that is in thee. During college, God used these verses to encourage Mike to use his talents in ministry on the mission field. He has been married to his wife, Stephanie, for 29 years. God has blessed them with five children: Rachel, Sarah (married to Colton Lingle), Bethany (married to TJ Lacock), Drew (married to Sarah Moore), and Katelyn, as well as two grandchildren, Josiah Lingle and Ember Lacock. For the past 25 years, they have partnered with Biblical Ministries Worldwide. Their name, Smith, states their purpose: Serving Missionaries Internationally Through Helps (SMITH). God has called them to use their gifts, talents, and abilities to serve other missionaries, pastors, and ministries wherever they are located (in the U.S. or internationally) as a vessel (through) for God’s work. This is usually done in the area of helps, such as construction and physical ministry, as well as preaching, teaching Bible studies, counseling, leading music, and singing. Over the years, God has allowed them to help churches get involved on the mission field by leading teams. Additionally, they have invited young people to live, travel, and work with them, in order to give them practical experience in ministry and service. Now the Smiths are expanding their ministry again to reproduce and multiply more faithful servants of Jesus Christ. They are currently in the process of starting Legacy Trade College, a school dedicated to teaching and equipping students to serve God by meeting the needs of the Church around the world using the gifts and talents that God has given them.

Jon Bixby
Born to missionary parents and profoundly influenced by a missionary builder in his formative years, Jon’s heart is bent toward the ministry vision of Legacy Trade School. With 35 years of experience in the construction trades, beyond those experiences as an MK, and more than a dozen years of pastoral ministry, he desires to see a reproduction of warriors prepared for Biblical manhood and womanhood in service for the kingdom. Degrees in Bible, missions, theology, and pastoral theology have nurtured Jon’s classroom familiarity, while ten children have added their influence to his experience and prepared him to assist in the pursuit of God’s plan for this ministry. Twenty-two years of friendship and experiences with Mike, including several mission trips abroad and stateside, have united their hearts in this dream.

Andy Dalporto
Andy DalPorto graduated from Bob Jones University with a Science degree and has had the privilege of serving in the Christian camping ministry for just over 28 years. He has had many different roles, but most of that time he served in the maintenance and construction roles of the ministry. Over those years, he has worked with volunteer construction teams and has been able to serve his local churches in Colorado, Arizona, and North Carolina as a deacon. He is a general contractor and water/wastewater operator. He and his wife Sheri were blessed with six children and currently live in Pickens, South Carolina.

Seth Davis
Seth Davis is an experienced welder and educator with 18 years’ craft experience and 8 years’ experience as a vocational instructor. He is an AWS Certified Welding Inspector and an AWS Certified Welding Educator. In addition to earning a Welding Technology diploma and an AAS in Carpentry, Seth holds a BS in Construction and Business Management, an MBA in Management and Strategy, and an MEd in Instructional Design.

Jay Sprecher
Jay Sprecher and his wife, Pam, have been in the pastoral ministry for over 45 years. Jay, saved in 1956, was called to preach and received his training at Bob Jones University with a major in speech education. Jay has served in the capacity of Christian school teacher, youth director, music director, Christian school principal, bus ministry director, assistant pastor, and pastor, with ministries in Virginia, Wyoming, and Utah. For the last 27 years, the Sprechers have been involved in church planting through Northwest Baptist Missions. When first arriving in Wyoming, they served at Grace Baptist Church in Mountain View, WY. Both Jay and Pam taught college classes at Northwest Baptist College during these years of ministry. In 2006, they planted Friendship Baptist Church in Thayne, WY, where they continue to minister. In each ministry there has been a strong emphasis on World Missions.

Stephanie Smith
Director/Secretary of the Board
Stephanie and Mike married in the summer of 1994. God has blessed them with five children, whom Stephanie homeschooled for 17 years. Her most recent joy is that of becoming Mimi. Stephanie’s role at Legacy Trade College is to assist and support her husband by filling the roles of cook, janitor, gardener, administrative assistant, writer, researcher, and editor. She is the author of one missionary biography, Watching God Work: Ministry Among the Macushi. She also has a weekly blog and podcast ministry to women through her website,